Apr 30, 2020 · Windscribe is a solid VPN for those looking to ensure high speeds while still maintaining security. Overall we think Windscribe is a good choice for those looking to start using a VPN or migrate from an existing service.
Windscribe är ett skrivbords program och en webbläsar förlängning som samverkar för att blockera annonser och trackers, återställer åtkomst till blockerade innehåll och hjälper dig skydda din integritet online. Windscribe adalah aplikasi website dan ekstensi browser yang bekerja sama untuk memblokir iklan dan pelacak, mengembalikan akses kontek terblokir dan membantumu mengamankan privasi onlinemu. May 27, 2020 · Windscribe is a VPN desktop application and VPN/proxy browser extension that work together to block ads, trackers, restore access to blocked content and help you safeguard your privacy online. Windscribe는 광고 및 추적기를 차단하고 차단된 콘텐츠에 대한 액세스를 복원하며 온라인에서 개인 정보를 보호하는 데 도움이되는 데스크톱 응용 프로그램 및 브라우저 확장 프로그램입니다.
Apr 21, 2018 · Windscribe is headquartered in Canada, one of the Five Eyes countries. This means it could be subject to mass government surveillance by other countries. Thankfully, Windscribe not only hides your activity from your ISP and anyone else who might be snooping, but it also maintains a strict no-logs policy .
Windscribe é um aplicativo desktop e extensão do navegador que funciona juntos para bloquear anúncios e rastreios, restaura o acesso a conteúdo bloqueado e ajuda você garantir sua privacidade online. Windscribe ist eine Desktop-Anwendung und Browser-Erweiterung, die zusammenarbeiten um Werbung und Tracker zu blockieren, den Zugriff auf blockierte Inhalte wiederherzustellen und Ihnen zu helfen Ihre Privatsphäre online zu schützen.
Jun 16, 2020 · Windscribe VPN also offers custom software applications for all major platforms available in the market. The VPN service also provides a Chrome web browser extension. We will review that extension in this review as well. Windscribe has come a long way from when we first reviewed it. Now, it performs really well when put under a bit of pressure.
Windscribe es una aplicación de escritorio y una extensión de navegador que funcionan conjuntamente para bloquear anuncios y rastreadores, restaurar el acceso a contenido bloqueado y ayudarle a proteger su privacidad en línea.